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how to make custom bootsounds

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:46 am
by tbag
Here it is, the Bootsound Tutorial i found written by xPSPx Skull xPSPx.
First, you will need the following ZIP package:

Custom Bootsound

Unzip The file and lets get started!

1. See the PSPMenuEdit.exe? Run it. On the right menu it says 'Edit Coldboot Startup Sound' Click on '...' Now select the opening_plugin.rco that came with the package. Then hit Extract Audio. It will extract the ColdBoot.vag same folder that opening_plugin.rco is located. Its called ColdBoot.vag. This is the original PSP Sound file.

2. Run MFAudio.exe and input the ColdBoot.vag. Now for Output, select WAV and choose the spot to save it to. Run The newly formatted WAV file in Windows Media Player. Sounds like the PSP opening sound right? It is!

3. Get the sound that you want to be your bootsound, and make sure it is in 16-Bit WAV format! If it isnt in 16-bit WAV format, then get a converter for it or it wont work! MFAudio only supports 16-bit. I learned that most of mine were 8-bit. WARNING: Bootsound MUST be NO MORE than 4 seconds long, and NO LESS than 1 second long, or it will not work and if you flash it, you may brick!

4. Once you get your 1-4 second 16-bit WAV sound, go into MFAudio, and import it, then export it as a VAG. Now, lets test it in devhook, to make sure it wont brick. Go into PSPMenuEdit.exe again, load the opening_plugin.rco again, but this time hit 'Import new Audio' Rename the VAG that was generated to ColdBoot.vag, and import that. IT MUST BE CALLED ColdBoot.vag OR IT WONT WORK. now it will auto-patch itself. Now, copy the opening_plugin.rco to x:/dh/(firmware testing with)/vsh/resource/ and confirm replacement. Now load devhook. Does it work? if so then good!

5. Flashing. Follow my instructions EXACTLY or you may brick your psp! Before flashing though, i STRONGLY Suggest you install a custom firmware with a recovery mode. Here are a few you may wanna look at:

HarleyG's custom FW patch v0.2
DAX's 1.50 POC Firmware
2.71 Special Edition (any Revision)
3.02 Open Edition (any revision)
3.03 Open Edition (any revision) [FTW Firmware! Strongly suggest updating to this!]

5A. Flashing to 1.50/2.71 Special Edition (any revision)Look at the ColdBoot.vag. Is is 99 KB or less? If not, then DO NOT USE IT OR IT MAY BRICK. Sometimes it doesnt brick though If it is even 1kb above 99kb, then dont use it. Anything below 99kb is fine. You will need to download and put X-flash onto your PSP (look in downloads section). Copy your ColdBoot.vag to x:/PSP/Game/XFLASH (or whatever its called)/xflash/Modified/ and paste it there. Now load up X-Flash. PLUG THE A/C IN! (thats the battery charger noob!). Now go down to APPLY ALTERNATE SOUND EFFECT. Hit the right button until you see the messege ' Change the standard opening sound effect, XMB error, or select sound effects. Press 'X' to apply External opening Sound with ColdBoot.vag' Hit the X button and it will flash. Have fun with your new bootsound!

5B. Flashing for 3.XX Open Edition WARNING: Flashing a bootsound on on 3.0X OE/3.XX OE on ANY revision will disable the ability to play PSX games! To avoid this, download the 3.02 OE popstation loader and put it in ms0:/seplugins/. DO NOT ENABLE IT UNTIL AFTER FLASHING YOUR Bootsound! You will first need to download PSPfiler (1.9 or higher). Put PSPfiler on your PSP. Now open up PSPMenuEdit.exe and load the opening_plugin.rco. This time hit 'Import New audio' and navigate to your .vag file that was converted. rename it to coldboot.vag and import it. opening_plugin.rco is now patched. copy it to your ms root (ms0:/). Load PSPfiler on your PSP. Hit L+Left D-pad+R to enter hacker mode. Highlight the opening_plugin.rco in ms0:/ by hitting []. Then hit X and then select 'Copy to RAMDISK'. Hit START until you reach flash0:/. Highlight the folder 'vsh' and hit O. Now highlight 'resource' and hit O. Lastly hit X and then select 'Paste all RAMDISK Files here'. If the language is JAPANESE, hit SELECT and then O. Confirm file replace and you are done!. If you care about playing PSX games, then reboot PSP to RECOVERY MODE (if you dled the 3.02 OE popstation loader). Go to the plugins folder and enable 'popstation.prx. THERE U GO! HAVE FUNZORZ! this will only work for uncompressed psx eboots.

a quick note: if the sound plays to fast... make the frequency higher when making the .vag, if its to slow lower the frequency

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:57 am
by .Vault
nice tutorial!


PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:00 am
by tbag
i thought so thats why i grabbed it. i thought i could help some people out

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:57 am
by arto14
can this change the sounds of a hombrew game


PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:56 am
by tbag
no it just changes the litle sound that comes on when you turn on your psp

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:53 pm
by DarkPacMan77
Have any of you personally tested this tutorial?



PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:38 pm
by tbag
i made some today you can check them out i have also put the normal opening in so you can still play psx games if you want

this is the list of diffrent boot sounds:
psp... like a lily pad... with wifi
psp... hellz yeah
psp... really... really crazy
psp... id hit that
jap women saying playstation portable
and the default bootsound

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:43 pm
by Zyphxion
I'm afriad to try it because i don't have devhook, and I don't want it to brick my PSP. Is there an easier way to get it working with 3.03 OE-x?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:51 pm
by FireFoxx
thats pretty sweet but i dont think i will ever try it

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:58 pm
by arto14
can i voice record it to say "if this is not arto this psp will shoot a umd out, chopping ur head off." that would be pretty cool

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:00 pm
by FireFoxx

If i did that i would put in a piece of a rap song so i can be a gangsta :lol:

go for it

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:15 pm
by tbag
as long as its bettwen 1sec and 4 sec do what you will

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:27 pm
by Zyphxion
It says (for the 3.03 CE part of the tut) that I should have a file called "topmenu_plugin.rco." I see the tool for it in PSP Menu Edit, but I can't do anything in it. Does it mean "opening-plugin.rco?" Or did I do something wrong. I followed the tut exactly.


PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:44 pm
by tbag
that was a mistake i fixed it now

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:27 pm
by DarkPacMan77
I just wanted some confirmation on if it worked or not lol. I guess my question has been answered. I might put in the "pacman dying" sound... or the start of the first level sound... but idk if that is over 4 seconds. Either way, neat tutorial.

I'd normally sticky this but Mailas G and I are in the process of discussing a way to "clean up" this section so there is less clutter from the stickies so just hold on and we will try to figure something out.
